Oftentimes, after the last person leaves, it’s just me and Jesus. Ever feel that way after your children or grandchildren or friends or coworkers have left your house or your business and you’re there, cleaning up? Feeling alone? But we as Christians are never really alone. We know we have Jesus and Mary and the Saints and the Angels that surround us and love us continually and unconditionally. How lucky we are to have our faith!
Yesterday, I was turning out the lights around St. Mary’s and walked out the back door to the garden section. As I reached down to turn off the power switch for the lights, I noticed that some sweet child had comforted Baby Jesus with one of the lovies from our children’s area. Sweet Baby Jesus out in the stone cold garden area with all the adult figures of Mary, Joseph, St. Francis and the Angels! What were we thinking?
Children can be so intuitive. They know when others need a hug or a special treat or a share of something that brings comfort. I can think of many times when I’ve had an impossible day and come home to children or grandchildren who can turn my mood immediately to love and laughter. They can make situations we find difficult, easier. They have the simple answers for life. “I’ve had a bad day” becomes “Do you need a band-aid?” “I’m really sad right now” becomes “Do you want me to sing you a song?” “Sometimes it’s hard to be the boss” becomes “I can share my lovie and it won’t be so scary.”
Jesus wants to be our comforter, the one who helps us get through the tough parts of our adult days and often He comes to us through the simple love and joy of children. Just as He comes to us, we need to go to Him and visit Him in the Chapels, the Churches, the grottoes and the gardens. As Mother Teresa would tell us, He “thirsts” for us and we need Him now more than ever.
The love found at the crib is the same love He gives from the cross, the same love He wants to receive and the same love He wants us to pass on day after day to one another. Easy to write. Hard to put into action. We can be reminded by the little ones to stay open to the signs, to stay simple, don’t complicate, keep a song in our hearts and a smile on our face and maybe a token of love by our side. Our love for Jesus and in turn for our neighbor needs to be so well displayed that others see that love and pass it on.
“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Mary Adrienne
Beautiful piece, Julie. Thank you for sharing this inspiration. You said, “…the same love He wants to receive and the same love He wants us to pass on day after day to one another. Easy to write. Hard to put into action.” Writing is one of the ways Our Lord asks us — especially us writers — to put His love into action. You’ve passed on His love here beautifully today. Thank you.
Makes me feel better already!!! I know about all of this…but, do I always think of it??? NO, i need to
think about what you write, Julie Thank You, and now I will call them Lovies !!!