mary’s grotto1

I’m sitting on the second floor at St. Mary’s when I hear the sound of feet bounding up the stairs. She cannot wait to tell me about her moment with Our Lady and her Son. I’m often cautious when I hear that someone has heard a voice or received a message. Not skeptical, just cautious. I want to ask, “Do you mean you heard in your heart or you heard a voice actually speak?” But I never want to ruin the story or the amazing faith, so I listen without questioning.

She is running a little late taking two steps at a time, but stops as she has every time she’s walked that path to the Church. She stands before Our Lady in her beautiful stone grotto and prays her normal intentions, begging her to intercede for friends and family for healing both physical and spiritual. As she stares into her face, she notices tears in both eyes. “Mary is terribly sad about the way of our world right now and asks if we can spread her messages from the many appearances she has graced us with on this earth. I wondered as her arms were spread wide to receive my needs, how many people do not ask for the graces she has to offer us as we suffer through the difficult parts of life? How many people do not know to ask? I remember her message to St. Catherine Laboure as she requested the Miraculous medal to be made and revealed the need for people to ask for grace.” I shake my head confirming that I agree with the needs and know the message.

She continues, “Before Mass, as I am staring at the Crucifix, I hear Jesus say, ‘Do whatever She tells you.’ Then, during the Consecration, as the bread and wine become the body and blood, as I am called to the table with everyone else present, I hear, ‘You serve and I will feed you.'” She says, “Tears arose in my eyes as I thought of all the times that I have complained about serving. I teared up because I understood that I was not doing what I was intended to do…my work to serve. We are called to help others by sending them to Our Lady for comfort and for peace and she will gather all our needs and present them to the Father and to the Son. All will be well if we trust and do as She asks.” I now have tears in my eyes understanding that this visit is not just by chance but that her message was meant for me, for us.

As May quickly approaches, may we plan a visit to Our Lady in one of her many Shrines and Grottoes. As “April showers bring May flowers” maybe we can participate in a May crowning and/or pray her most powerful prayer, the rosary and be open to the many graces She has to offer. As people share their needs both physical and spiritual, may we take time to listen with the heart and to pass on the stories of faith and of hope and of love.